Eggs and The Ultimate Chicken Coop When I was a kid, I wouldn’t eat eggs for two reasons. They looked gross, and they came from chicken butts, or somewhere down there. When I was a boy scout, I stomached eggs on camp-outs because there was lots of ketchup, and there was nothing else to eat for breakfast. It wasn’t until I married a nutritionist that I truly understood what a great food source they were and that, if prepared right, eggs can be delicious. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about eggs. Many people avoid them, or limit eating them, because they think it will send their cholesterol through the roof. Although egg yokes are high in cholesterol, and health experts in the past have told patients with cholesterol problems to avoid this food, nutrition experts, like my nutritionist, suggest that eating an egg a day is no problem for the majority of the population. There is a small percentage of the population that is effected by dietary intake of cholesterol. If you’re one of those people, stick with the egg whites. Here are some other key things guys need to know about Eggs • They are one of the highest quality sources of proteins you can eat. • They contain Iodine and Selenium, both critical nutrients for thyroid hormones. • They contain Choline, which promotes brain health. • The egg whites contain loads of essential amino acids • The yolk contains Lutein which is an important nutrient for the eyes • They are one of few foods that contain Vitamin D which
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19 thoughts on “Eggs and The Ultimate Chicken Coop”

  1. I like your metal work especially making a fence frame out of re-bar and chicken wire, I live in a rural area and we have varmints fox, coyote, bobcat, raccoons, etc. the raccoons really like to get in the poultry coops and barns. I also have welders and re-bar laying around, so I think I will build a coop like yours.

  2. my dad wants to build a chicken coop but their our coyotes all around. Thanks for the tip with the security around the coop. Ill tel my dad.

  3. Ricky the raccoon is thinking….I will take an egg martini shaken not stirred….and I’ll leave the light on for ya.

  4. Nice coop! All I suggest is that you add a point about buying eggs in the description. Organic eggs are obviously good because they’re free of hormones, but they are also cruelty free. Cage eggs are cruel, with each hen receiving under an A4 sheet of paper sized space. They are denied their natural instincts; perching, scratching for food, dust bathing and laying eggs in a secluded nests. Because of this cruelty, I would suggest that you add a point about it in your description.


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