25 thoughts on “Alternative to battery chicken farming”

  1. What about foxes? I’ve heard that naturally a cock will keep a look out for
    them but I don’t see one here. What does he do about it?

  2. Its still murder! No matter how you try to justify the reasoning its still
    a living, breathing animal who has the right to live like anything else.
    Humans just think because a book that was written by man makes us the most
    dominating creature on the planet well we aren’t .

  3. I’m raising chickens right now & when they are stressed they fight, make a
    crap load of noise, pick on each other, when they are relaxed they are a
    much more content animal, sorry I’m using the emotional term “happy”. As
    far as taste & texture I’ve been eating wild meat for over 10 yrs, Free
    range beef, organic heirloom veggies & now happy chickens, you can’t make
    texture it has to be grown or raised for this. Grocery store chicken is
    like jello compared to free range, soft mushy meat

  4. so what,they are still slaves and they will still meet a brutal death.all
    so you can eat their flesh.humans are selfish and immoral beyond belief.

  5. Our birds will end up living 16 weeks before we kill them off, they’ve got
    it made real happy birds, check out my channel

  6. Riverford – thank you so much for what you do and for providing me and
    everyone else with healthy, nutritious food. In this day in age, food that
    is free from chemicals and meat that is raised ‘naturally’ is getting
    harder to obtain. I wish a world of success for you and all those
    affiliated with your farms. I would love to do an interview with you guys 🙂

  7. First of all meat birds (White Rocks) in North America are all pretty much
    the same, factory farms are a cruel way to raise them not to mention the
    handling of these poor things is down right sickening. I raise my own
    chickens and there is no comparison to anything in the grocery store
    anywhere, for the simple reason mine take 3 times longer to mature to the
    kill, the meat’s texture is not soft jello grocery store chicken. It’s like
    comparing an athlete to a couch potato!

  8. this is obviously better than factory farming, but everyone seems to forget
    that the birds get killed unnecessarily (and no, we don’t need to eat
    meat!), so the question of morality, let alone a huge debt of bad karma,
    still remains…

  9. this man is not in any way an animal lover.he is nothing short of an animal
    exploiter.these animals who have come to trust him like a dog with his or
    human.will see the day very soon when he,like a psychopath,catches them and
    kills them where is the footage of that?

  10. u got to be crazy vegan means you respect animals…. Sorry we as humans
    are set up to eat fish.meat… We have been doing it since the start of
    time… So educate yourself some cause if you eat all veggies and work/run
    a farm you would become ill from not enough carbs/protein but is you are a
    pansy that push’s a pencil all day then vegan well you can do it in fact
    you need to do it to stop becoming over weight… cont

  11. Can tell you based on my own personal experience a Happy chicken tastes so
    much better, you have no idea the difference it’s mind blowing. And to
    think our ancestors ate happy animals all the time, not factory farmed
    stressed out animals…

  12. Well I suggest you find a different grocery store. I don’t know if there’s
    a lot of difference between Dutch grocery store meat and Canadian grocery
    store meat. But I have tried “biological” meat, as we call it, and compared
    it to standard grocery store meat and I honestly can make both taste good.
    Price-wise however I’m much better off with grocery store meat.

  13. It’s all so lovely and happy and carefully protected and provided and
    splendidly faithfully lovingly husbanded and then WHAP the unhappy day.

  14. Actually you are wrong, first a happy chicken has a completely different
    physique because of their activity, their meat is much firmer, much less or
    no fat, more athletic. Just like a sad stressed human who is depressed
    becomes fat so does a chicken, an active happy chicken is in shape and
    their meat is completely different texture, and no cook can change that as
    it takes weeks of activity to obtain this not some sauce you ad on the BBQ.
    I had happy chicken last night, it was mind blowing good

  15. ok, how about we use the same argument for you? If I come up behind you and
    shoot you in the head, you won’t know it’s coming, and won’t feel a thing,
    so does that make it ok? Murder is murder, however it’s done, and whoever
    it’s done to.

  16. Factory farms raise chickens that are constantly stressed out. Their
    cortisol levels must be very high. Who wants to eat a bird loaded in
    cortisol? I certainly don’t. It is not just about the taste. The health of
    the bird we ingest certainly does effect our health. I definitely don’t
    want to eat chickens who live in their own waste. Some people here
    commenting don’t seem to get that. I’m so grateful for farms like Riverford
    who give consumers healthier options.

  17. That’s absurd. How can you maintain that this is a life worth living for
    these birds who are killed as babies that are fattened into adult bodies at
    11 weeks old in a lifespan of 10-15 years? They are still in their infancy
    when they are stuffed down kill cones and have their throats slashed while
    fully conscious. You won’t see that in this video. They wouldn’t want you
    to see this senseless act of violence for a food source we have no
    biological need for.

  18. We seem to be quite in sync in terms of being online and such. Quite
    convenient. Anyway, I’m very willing to believe that (factory farmed)
    chicken throughout North America is generally the same kind of chicken.
    However as I mentioned before, I’m Dutch. There’s an ocean between our two
    continents, so the chicken is possibly quite different. As for factory
    farming being cruel, maybe. But I don’t see how you can take the moral
    highground when you infact kill chickens yourself.

  19. This is complete bullshit people, don’t let yourself believe these lies.
    Read this article written about this video: (Remove the spaces and replace
    the dots) freefromharm (dot) org /animal-products-and-culture

  20. it’s all about you isn’t it? who cares that these animals are still
    domestic slaves who are intelligent and sensitive.who cares that they will
    be terrified the day they are caught and killed and they will suffer.that
    doesn’t matter as long as you can stuff your face with their flesh.


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