25 thoughts on “The Ultimate PVC Chicken Tractor Mobile Coop”

  1. What a great, brilliant chicken coop/tractor! – Your design is so well thought out – thank you for sharing this. More and more people are wanting and needing to have chickens – this tractor allows them to move around – eating greens, spreading the compost – thank you for sharing this. If we all share we can build a good quality of life! Wishing you joy!

  2. I would like to add to this. As a secondary source of water, put rain gutters around the roof, have the rain gutters flow into a bucket mounted high, let it gravity feed that pvc pipe mentioned above. The trick would be to stop the flow when the pvc trough is full so it does not flood and end up on the ground and drain your bucket dry.

  3. I think it would work just fine, but not sure how it would save any money. I think the PVC would cost more than the bucket does.

    I do use PVC with caps for one waterer without a fill valve. I pull the top cap off the pvc which is mounted vertical and poor water in it, a hose comes out the bottom which is capped and goes to the bucket inside the coop. Makes it easier to fill the bucket when the tractor is in the boonies

  4. I think I’ve got a new idea, why don’t you run the hose line directly into a PVC pipe that is capped off on both ends with an adjustable water pressure valve then attach a line of nipples on the bottom of the PVC pipe, then hang the PVC pipe above their heads I can also imagine hanging the pipe under a board for a walk the plank, I see this as a faster and much lower cost Manufacturing technique

  5. Excellent. I like that. I am testing out an idea I had. make the chicken run and the chicken house two separate parts with doors that keep them apart. Use the standard A chicken house out of wood. Then the pen with a 12 foot by 8 foot span. I hope to double the run as a green house for the winter. I am also thinking of putting bamboo in the center of the pvc to give it more strength. Thanks for help!

  6. The chicken wire goes over the hoops and is fastened on the bottom, so they cannot come out. So I didn’t glue them.

  7. Hi Joseph cant find directions cant find you web site tried all the differant addresses did a sewarch nothing please can you help. fox has now killed three chickens ugggg need to build one asap or we wont have any left thanks


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