9 thoughts on “The Chicken Tractor”

  1. Ive been wanting to build something to take some egg layers with me for
    extended RV living (gotta have my grits and eggs). This looks ideal for
    such a thing and I dont think itll annoy nosey folks that always seem to
    have opinions about your business.. :o)

  2. Next stop, put a computer and a motor on there that can move the coop out
    and in on it’s own, and put it in different spots on the ground in the
    garden each time. ,-)

  3. Very nice…at first I thought: “What the hell is wrong with this guy.” But
    in the end it really turned out into somethink I like. I don’t really see
    the HACKING (by strikt definition) in it, but MAKING is good enough for me.
    Great job. I enjoyed watching you strike another awesome project. Im
    actually not thinking of having Chickens myself. I hope you continue to
    share with the world your projects. I personally would have added some kind
    of digging defense against foxes.

  4. I have been watching your videos and I just had to say how much I enjoy
    them. I think your doing a great service to folks who want to try out new
    ideas. I am going to make some cheese, and some soda thanks to your videos
    on how to do it. I hope you keep adding more stuff, because I want to see
    more projects. Do you get folks asking how to do stuff or do you just think
    it up? Again, I have never posted a response to anyone before but I was so
    impressed by your varied projects I just t say thanks.

  5. Do you have cut sizes of would? I kinda figured it out but is the door side
    2×2? It seems like it shouldbe but it looks like you cut 6″ off before you
    cut door. 4×8 sheet in half and then the half into 2- 3’x2′ and 1-2’x2′.
    Other 2×8 into end 2x 18″? And floor


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