Raising Hens – Make Sure Cleanliness is Next to Godliness In Your Chicken House Plans

Raising Hens – Make Sure Cleanliness is Next to Godliness In Your Chicken House Plans

Article by Stacy O’Donnell

Often enough, folks who don’t normally raise chickens will pay full price from their local feed store or other vendor, when all they needed to do was take a wee bit of time to check out alternatives. When we did just some basic research We soon found out that retail chicken coops are expensive; additionally, they can be had at enormous savings for do-it-yourself chicken house plans, and you get to build a chicken house!Considering that the average person raising hens spends about 0 building a chicken coop, obtaining the best source of chicken coop plans with all essentials and more will save you time and money. The great thing when searching for chicken coop plans is that just about all of them give great flexibility to allow you to build it like you want it.Although you should be able to build your chicken house any way you would like, there’s one thing that you must consider when adding or subtracting options for your chicken house. We’re talking about cleaning and making your chicken house easy to clean.All of this starts in your planning stage, so you want to make sure your chicken house plans include several options for cleaning. The care and maintenance of your chickens and chicken house hinges on your ability to quickly and easily clean. These cleaning features should be built right into your chicken house, so you must have chicken house plans that reflect as many possible cleaning options for you to choose from.Generally, your basic plans should have a materials list, but I must admit, you can expect that type of variety when anyone is building a chicken coop. We surprisingly found that the materials some of these plans suggest were all over the place, some suggesting chicken wire with scrap wood or PVC pipes and oak barrels. You must remember that good chicken coop plans will have the basics, but great chicken coop plans will include items such as soil preparation, location, lighting, feeders, ventilation, nesting boxes, a chicken run or play area, and much, much more. Any plans that do not include these basic features and more could be a huge risk for your chickens.Probably the biggest risk to your chickens, young and old, are pests, such as mites. The Red Mite or Chicken Mite are particularly harmful for chickens. They can live on the ground as well as live on the birds themselves. You’ll know if your chickens have mites because there will be some unusual pecking on each other. Also, you may notice some feather loss and even bleeding. It is important that you keep your chicken house clean, and in the case of mites, use one of the generally accepted pesticides. Again, it’s imperitive for these things to be considered in your planning stages, so make sure your chicken house plans include designs for cleanliness.We have recorded our experiences with our backyard chickens on our website, and we hope you’ll take a gander at the additional info to help you succeed with your chicken house plans. www.Chicken-House–Plans.comTake Your Chicken House On The Road

About the Author

Stacy is a housewife, mother and an advid pet lover. Her newest family members are a small flock of chickens that the family received as a gift. You can read more about how they raised their chickens, including building their chicken house at their blog: http://www.Chicken-House–Plans.com

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