25 thoughts on “Raising Chickens for Eggs”

  1. I was dismayed at the backs of your hens. You either have too many roosters or very aggressive types that should be eliminated for the sake of your hens welfare. Or buy saddles. No hen should look like that On a positive note, Your coop was great. You are very knowledgable but do you really LOVE your chickens and care how they feel? It should show in their plumage too.

  2. @Gamera49 Human women produce an egg once a month, too. If it’s fertilized, it becomes a baby, if not, it passes out of the body. Why? Because that’s how we’re made. Same thing with chickens, except the egg leaves the body whether or not it’s fertilized, and it comes out in a neat package (shell), complete with food store for the developing chick, if there is one. And yes, when a hen gets broody –that is, ready to raise a clutch of chicks– they will sit on unfertilized eggs for a long time.

  3. Good overview of the subject. Cindey Taylor has a good flow of language and a relaxed style that makes it feel you’re part of a conversation.

  4. WOAH this gave me a great idea! Mine love tomatoes but I never gave them a orange before, I’ll do it tomorrow, I bet they will love it just like the one in this vid!

  5. I have a question? I have 4 baby chicks… I was told that the chicks should eat layer mash when there baby’s, Will that make a difference? I also have them free range in my back yard. Can you please give me some pointers on raising my egg layers?

  6. @jewishgirl1000 I enlarged the screen, paused it, and read it. It also makes since because of the yellow type color. I took me watching this 7 times to figure out how to do that. Haha


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