Naomi Montacre, co-founder of Naomi’s Organic Farm Supply, a Portland organic feed and products store, shares some of her expert knowledge on raising backyar…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
How To Build A Chicken Coop, DIY-Guides
Naomi Montacre, co-founder of Naomi’s Organic Farm Supply, a Portland organic feed and products store, shares some of her expert knowledge on raising backyar…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
I live in No. Ca. and raised Road Island Red, and found they laid all
year. There great meat chickens also.
Can artificial light improve the egg laying during the darker winter
My Grandmother would order 150 chicks at a time. We had a spare room we
used as a brooder box/room. Covered the floor with news paper, put in 3 or
4 heat laps and kept them inside until they started developing feathers
then we moved them to their coop and pen in the yard for more room. I loved
it and will retire on a farm.
Thanks for the useful tips. You’re adorable. God bless you.
what is this pretty with nice boot doing here with the chicken?
At 5:01 ur damn right, i found them the most cute creature on the planet
but that joy of mine disappears when the get older 😛 x
thank you
You make sound like a lot fun. I can see you love what you do Thanks.
hi I am having concerns about my chickens, now that they are starting to
lay eggs they are starting to fight and I caught them eating one of the
eggs, can you give me any help
Great info on chickens, we only have two right now, we live in a
subdivision. We did lose one to a opossum just a couple of weeks ago. She
was the dominate one. They other two seem to miss her.
I got 2 chickens and my kids (8 and 10) love that. Since I got them, there
are laying everyday, which is wonderfu! My kids love to play with them and
they give them little bugs and earthworms. My chickens are insane when my
kids give them earthworms… they REALLY LOVE that !
But my question is: is there such thing as too much earthworms? I mean how
much is too much?
We just brought chickens back. Swapped them out for Muscovy duck 2 years
ago, but just have to have the chickens back 🙂 Thanks!
i love my chickens and loved the video, i am raising my own baby chickens
and your right there is noting cuter, fuzzy little balls of fluff. and a
great learning experience for children.
Is there really a difference in the taste in eggs fresh from the chickens?
I heard there was but aren’t eggs just all the same?
Are you thinking about raising your own backyard chickens, but don’t know
where to begin. Here’s some great tips from a knowledgeable expert.
Loved your video! We love our girls and will be adding to them this spring.
Very informative video. Thanks!
What a great tutorial about having chickens! I really wish I had some more
space and did not live in the CIty! unfortunately the City I live in does
not allow chickens! I will have to live through others!
Thank you for the info. I really appreciate it!
Fantastic video with some great nuggets …excuse the pun lol
Do you provide a light inside the roosting compartment? I understand this
provides the extra light you were talking about for chickens to keep laying
eggs. Also, can provide heat needed for the winter months. Thank you for
the neat video.
Thanks for this informative video and the great advice.
I can’t imagine baby chicks in my house living with my Rottweiler…that
could be ugly. Maybe pullets would be better.
Great video learned a lot and btw your funny and beautiful .
excellent video, thanks