25 thoughts on “My Chicken Coop”

  1. @3064boy yeah the buckey nest idea is great !!! and i just had quick idea with my wife that might even improve on it 🙂 instead of unscrewing them to clean them, u can actually use the screwed in one for stability and insert rossting ones inside of them to easily pull out for cleaning. we just moved to a very rural area in SE Kansas and should be raising chickens very soon.

  2. @AiritonColton11 Well some roosters are mean and others aren’t. Chickens just naturally come back to their home to roost. Open the door and let them run and they are back in before dark.

  3. how do you get your chickens to come back. i have 7 rhode island red hens and i’m afraid to set them free on my land. I’m afraid they will run away! Also, how do you get your roosters not to attack you?

  4. how do you get your chickens to come back. i have 7 rhode island red hens and i’m afraid to set them free on my land. I’m afraid they will run away!

  5. hello i only want one or two chickens and i was wondering if i let them out of their coop for a couple of hours would my yard be crapped on all over the place???

  6. @chazfensk I have 40 chickens, 37 hens and 3 roosters!!!!! ITS SO FREAKING LOUD OUTSIDE! haha! They don’t stink much unless you don’t clean the coop. Also poultry protection is TOP PRIORITY!!!! I will maybe post a video on my chicken coop after the chicks are grown up and in the coop and the coop is all clean. Also some beginners might not know…. Let the chickens out in the day, and they go back into their house at night if they have enough perches. 🙂


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