22 thoughts on “Keeping urban chickens”

  1. There’s a phone app to make sure you don’t forget to secure your chickens at night. See SunsetReminder on the Android Market.

  2. Leghorns (White), rhode island reds, or any “hybrids” don’t mix them up with random mixes though. They’re usually named stuff like ‘Goldline’ or ‘Gold star’, speckledy, blackrocks. Although hybrids lay lots in the first 1-2 years, they slow down. Pure breeds are the way to go because they lay for 4-5 years.

  3. what breed is the big white one please i need to know cause im looking for a breed that lays lots of white eggs but cant fly very well

  4. This wasn’t the best example for urban chickens. The run doesn’t seem secure enough to keep a fox out. There’s no point in trying to eat egg layers either, hardly any meat on them. Especially on that Polish chicken. Try and find one of them farms that takes in “retired” chickens.

  5. I agree they shouldnt do this becaus when your trying to watch something good and next minute theres a a crap advert come up they spoil it too much.

  6. 400 pounds for that box they live in, are you bloody kidding me. what a rip off. seemed like this whole video was just an advertisement, forget the ones splashed all over the top of it.
    If you really want to keep chickens in the city you dont have to spend 500 quid to get started, thats bloody rediculous


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