How to build a chicken coop, or a chicken house. This is the first thing I ever build, and I really loved the process. There are some flaws but the building …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
How To Build A Chicken Coop, DIY-Guides
How to build a chicken coop, or a chicken house. This is the first thing I ever build, and I really loved the process. There are some flaws but the building …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
google: “cm to inch”
I don’t understand centre meter I only understand inches.
😀 thx!
Good job for your first time building. Loved your sound effects thought I was the only girl that did that… They’re so much fun to do and the looks you get when you make them are funny. Keep woodworking soon you be making stuff with the best of em.
your right, didn’t think of that:) next time! thx
Yes:) Ive been sitting in it the whole time while painting the house + afterwards for some more drilling and hammering
you better recognize
Ann great chicken coop. You did a great job. It was strong enough for you to crawl into, WOW Really Good!!! Good and strong! You also have good wood working skills, your very multi-talented, take care
Loving the descriptions of the tools/objects you don’t know the name of and the sound effects. Way too adorable lol
yes 😀
Basically they are like dogs
No my dad did that :) Would be risky with the glass , pretty heavy stuff as well.
did you build your greenhouse by yourself? it looks amazing
chickens as pets huh 😛
Smart and beautiful, you did a fine build on your chicken house…
Best saw impressions ever! Buuuurrruurrrruuurrrrr!
Cute AND handy… Lets make Belgian babies Ann 🙂
i like this video so much… so good information… thumbs up
Im a vegetarian, I keep them for them. If they dont lay eggs I still keep them
do you keep the chickens just for eggs or also for meat?
😀 great
Thx:) me to. But the extra roofing will only be here on monday so I think they will be able to go in it monday and I will surely film it. I need to make a sitting pole as well for them + ladder to go in the house
I wanna see the chicken inside their new home 😉 I love it!