25 thoughts on “How to build a Chicken Coop for your yard general concepts”

  1. Awesome vidm!! What are the odds i subd u because i love your auto vids…. But i just started building a coop too… This channel rocks!!!!

  2. I accidentally watched another of your video again. I didn’t expect you do chicken also. Chicken is one of the thing I would like to raise in the future. I don’t know what state you are in, but it is crazy that their are so much restriction in this country, and permits on just about everything.

  3. Dude you are awesome, all over YouTube i just watched you yank a motor from a Jeep and now I’m watching you’re chickens, its good to know other people have the same random hobbies as me

  4. ha ha! I gathered about 150 designs/pictures etc. and combined all the things I liked and felt were worth doing and made this one.

  5. Lightbulb!! I am going to ‘borrow’ your nesting box design.  It makes way more sense than the design of partitioned nesting boxes that I have. They all use the one in the furthest corner, then I have to reach waaay back there. Brian’s been using his thinking cap.

  6. With extra chicken eggs, there are going to be problems with freshness. One good way to test an eggs freshness is to drop it in water. The better it sinks, the fresher it is. If it floats, its not fresh at all. This works because a chicken egg absorbs air and builds an air bubble as it gets older.


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