How to Build a Chicken Coop Easily

How to Build a Chicken Coop Easily

Article by Maseoim Smith

When building a chicken coop, you should follow these important points to achieve the goal perfectly.

Point 1:-(coop look,Appearance and Design):

Sketch out your design on a sheet of paper before you do anything else. Think of the colors you will paint the roof and walls. Always keep in mind that if your chicken coop is clearly visible to your neighbors,it shouldn’t ever serve as a distraction or defacement of its utmost surroundings. So make sure to design an aesthetically looking chicken coop so that your neighbors do not complain of its detracting appearance. Once finished, always remember to remove and dispose of any types of garbage or weeds from around your chicken coop. Try to maintain an appealing landscape around it to enhance its overall appearance.

Point 2:-(Protection from Hazardous things):

Easy. You want to build a draft free chicken house with windows and doors that can be opened and closed as needed. Make sure the windows and doors both have proper screening systems installed in them such as a heavy gage mesh wire. Building the chicken coop on a high yet well drained area with ensure the least amount of dampness of the coop. Be sure to build your chicken coop in an area that faces the sun which will help warm and dry the soil and coop itself after it rains.

To protect your chickens from predators, the best thing to do is to bury your outside runs with chicken wire all around the coop about 1 foot deep. This will prevent some very hungry predators such as raccoons, cats and even dogs from digging underneath it.

Point 3:-(Ventilation):

You may be wondering how to build a chicken coop that will not only keep your chickens locked up and protected from bad weather and predators yet receive the proper ventilation it requires. If so, then you already understand the importance of draft free air movement from within the coop. Chickens, much like humans, need fresh air and oxygen. The same goes for the removal of unwanted excessive moisture and carbon dioxide. A chicken coop with ample air movement and proper ventilation will help remove the ammonia build up and dampness that may grow inside its walls.

Speaking of walls, the chicken coop walls should have proper insulation installed which will help keep the chickens dry. As long as chickens are dry, they can handle cold climates very well, but humidity plus cold weather will cause health issues for your poultry. Therefore, insulated walls are a must!

Point 4:-(Light Source):

If you want a good source of light and warmth for your chickens during the cold months of the year and a solid source of ventilation during the hot months, then be sure to install the windows facing the south side where they will receive direct sunlight throughout the day.

On another note, if your goal is to raise chickens that will produce great eggs all year round, then you should look into an electrical source of light. You should be able to easily install an electrical light at the height of the its ceiling which will help keep your chickens warm and help them lay better chicken eggs throughout the year. One ceiling light should be enough for a small scale, for larger though, try to install one electrical ceiling light per every 30 – 40 feet.

Point 5:-(placing Water and Chicken Feeders):

Chicken feeders and water should be placed where your flock will have easy access to them. However, you have to be careful where you place them because chickens like to make a mess of everything they eat due to their chicken scratching instincts. I’m sure you don’t want to see your chicken feed mix all over the coop floors so, to avoid this, place the chicken feeders at the height of the chicken’s back. This way they will have to stretch their necks up to eat but won’t reach the feeders with their feet. Same goes for the water. Just make sure to keep the water full of fresh clean water throughout the day.

did you know that the average people spends about 0 to build a chicken coop? Some even invest over 2 months of work trying to assemble the darn structure and in the end aren’t even fully contempt with their product. Not very enticing is it? A great chicken coop plan can cut your time and efforts in half while saving you a vast amount money on building materials. To learn how to build a chicken coop with maximum benefits for your flock without investing a magnitude of your time and money,

click here:how to build a chicken coop!

About the Author

Maseoim is a chicken coop building blogger has been raising chickens and poultry information and he is an expert.

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