7 thoughts on “Herbruck’s Poultry Ranch: Egg Farm Hen House”

  1. I own a small local free range egg laying farm in south ga all our chickens free range and can come in the barn and lay there egg at Anytome

  2. Please expalin your Organic label? We got a box of eggs from Target from your place and the eggs taste aweful but not sure why.

  3. now you gotta admit that is anima cruelty keeping those poor checens for egs just to make money … make them free range .. keeping that many chickens just for money squished up agains eachoher shoud be illegle

  4. so you get chicks from your own hatchery and raise them until they lay eggs.. Obviously males do not lay eggs, nor are they needed for a hen to lay an egg.. so what happens to them?? You say you don’t feed hormones, but what about antibiotics? And what happens to the hens once their egg laying time is over? How many chickens are in each cage and how big is the cage?? Just a few quesitons….


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