I needed to help hatch an 18 day baby chick in distress. 2 Hens had eaten 1/3 of the shell leaving the inner membraine intact but dried out except for a small hole near the chicks beak. The chick was chirping, coughing and sputtering. The hens then expelled the egg/chick from the nest so I brought the egg into my art studio where I turned up the heat and a humidifier. I placed the egg inside a roll of tape (to hold it in place) near the window in the sun (which is why the light seems to flicker.) This video is taken over the courseof many hours. First I used blunt end needle nose pliers to slide under the dried membraine and then slid very fine sharp sissors between the membrane and sissors and cut it open little by little. The membrane was far to tough to tear withmy bare fingers. After peeling away each bit of membrane I waited at least 1 hour in hopes of seeing some progress on the chicks part. But each time the chick continued it’s peeping and coughing. Once the dried membrane was removed from the portion exposed by the hens I waited many hours and rotated the egg a bit so the baby could simply get up and out. In the end I titlted the egg so the baby could kick and roll itself out which it did. I then cut the flesh connecting the chick to the remaining yolk and egg as close to the shell end as possable. Then I placed the chick under the hens who shared the nest teh chick came from. One hen seemed to view the chick as a preditor so I stayed in teh coop for a while hand …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Cool….U helped that baby chick hatched…..
Good Aprove
that would be a 1 in a billion chance, if that.
that was the most beautiful thing I’ve EVER see…3
aw its cute mine hatched tiday and i think it might be a roadilen red :)
At 3:45 I thought the white chicken’s head was cut off
The black Chicken was like don’t you touch my baby or I’ll kick yo ***!
I find this video very inspiring! That you were able to be patient and wait for the veins to dry and the chick to have it’s best chances. Great job!!!
Absolutely cute and sweet! 🙂 Don’t pay attention to rude comments.
How does the chick eat?
call the animal control
what if i bought some eggs and one was chirping and its about to come out WHAT DO I DO I HAVE NO CHICKENS
I try my best to be.
I fully agree!
The moms were protective and mean and they would sneak attack peck me and I hate being startled so yeah, I wimped out and used an oven mitt!
That’s really nice of you to say. Thank you.
Awwwe your mean LOL!
I agree, these hens did a great job coparenting. Seriously makes you wonder why people attack gay parents and want to stop them from becoming foster parents or adoptive parents, etc.
Hens tend to reject chicks for reasons health reasons we don’t ID as easily. But when this one was out of the shell they stopped rejecting it.
no it didn’t, it bonded with the moms as soon as I put it under them
I know, right! What the heck! I’m deleting the more hateful comments.