13 thoughts on “Chickens as Pets”

  1. I’d love to have a few hens in my gardens. I’ve seen how lovely they can
    be and they are excellent at keeping away pests. But I don’t think my
    neighbours would appreciate a rooster, plus I don’t want a population

  2. I have a problem and I’m looking for the answer. My baby chicks are grown
    and are now laying eggs.. but they’re eating there own eggs. I tried a few
    things but still can’t figure it out.. HELP! THANK YOU!

  3. Your hens have inadvertently discovered that raw egg tastes good, and if
    they ever see one, they will try their best to eat it. Chickens can’t see
    in the dark, yet they like somewhat dimly lit places to lay their eggs… I
    would venture to say that there is too much light on the nests. Try making
    it darker in that area.



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