Best Egg-Laying Chicken Breeds Best Egg-Laying Chicken Breeds . . . . Read the article below There are many chicken varieties, and all lay eggs, but only a handful are in the best egg-laying chicken breeds category. All female chickens will lay edible eggs with identical nutritional content, but some bird varieties have been bred especially for their egg-laying capabilities and thus are superior chickens for that purpose. Below you will find description on best egg laying chicken breeds. Leghorn Leghorns come in many colors and sizes but all of them have large combs, red eyes and white earlobes. Their wattles are long and rounded and they have firm bodies. They are fairly compact birds which lay well. They are excitable animals and get spooked easily, especially id your household is noisy. They don’t mind being confined to a small run, but because they are small they are good at flying. Their large combs bring problems. They need more food in the winter to ‘pay’ for the heat loss and they do tend to have problems with fighting and generally catching it about the garden. Leghorns have one thing in their favour they eat more slugs than any bird. They will give around 250 eggs a year. Plymouth Rock and Barred Rock It comes in two colors, white or buff, and is a big bird so small housing is out of the question. There is also a barred variety with red comb and white wattles. It was developed as a dual-purpose bird that gave a reasonable supply of eggs and yet also a good carcass for the

3 thoughts on “Best Egg-Laying Chicken Breeds”

  1. @bowdude3 Black Australorps are your best bet. Purebreds are prefferable 🙂 they mature quickly snd they have a large carcass at maturity (5-6 months) Females lay an egg a day with a study executed by scientists showing one black australorp laying 364 eggs in 365 days!!!!! WOW 🙂

  2. Hey man im looking to start raisin some chickens im not to sure wether i want chickens for the meat or the eggs were trying to cut back on spending so much on food so if ya got got some advice on some good breeds for layin eggs or meat or both hollar back please id appreciate it man thanks.


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