25 thoughts on “Backyard Chicken Setup”

  1. I agree with ddgrower very good, I am thinking about getting one of these coops to start getting chickens which one is the idealest I dont care about the price? And I was wondering do chickens need stuff like injections you know like dogs i just want to make sure i am going to do it right.

  2. I have to agree that it’s not really new or interesting…but it’s cheap, simple to make and it works. On the plus side, a small box kept the ladies a lot warmer when it was10 below zero outside…which happens here once or twice every winter.

  3. im not trying to be mean but whene u have a choice betwen wire mesh and astroterf of cors e they will really like astroterf. checkens dont like wire it cuts there feet up and herts them so that given u gave them what 2’x3′ area to walk on in there coop?

  4. man what r u thinkingh? mabe u should of done some reserch befor u got the chickens. your set up is all wrong. any person that knows any thing about chickens can see that they will not be happy. u said that this cost u $150.00 look at my vids and see what i made for $200.00.

  5. Thanks == that was the idea. So many chicken coops are mini Hilton Hotels. I wanted to put together something for around $150 inclusive that could be built in a weekend and required minimal daily maintenance.  This system is really basic, but it works…even in extremes of temperature.

  6. look up solar ther mal heater, the ones on here are for a house but you can scale it down for a chicken coop, It is what i am planning to do when i build mine.

  7. look up solar thermal heater, the ones on here are for a house but you can c=scale it down for a chicken coop, It is what i am planning to do when i build mine.

  8. yea i thought about that the other day its crazy how thousands of years of captive breeding has made a jungle species capable of living free range in alaska

  9. I inuslated my box with styrofoam. You could look at my video: “Backyard chicken coop water heater” for some more specific information on the lightbulb heater. i suppose there’s always a chance of fire, but the ceramic flower pot disperses the heat pretty well. Chickens can handle an amazing amount of cold–given the fact that they are the descendants of tropical birds.

  10. do you have any tips on preping mine for the outside cold and how to keep a 7′ x 5′ coop warm without catching it on fire

  11. Try putting a heating lamp/lightbulb to make it a little bit warmer so you don’t need that pot or Change out that lightbulb in the pot to a heating lightbulb so it stays dark and they stay warm

  12. Just google “backyard chicken coop water heater” to see how I did it. The timer was just a $7 manual timer that I got at the local hardware store. The timer plugs into the extension cord going back to the house and the heater plugs into the timer.


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