24 thoughts on ““As The Egg Turns” Hen House Drama Black Copper Marans Chickens”

  1. Derr that’s what you get when you put multiple roosters together, especially around a hen. Many roosters will fight to the death and possibly injure the hen in the process.
    Dumb video.

  2. Justice For All: MFA’s Legal Advocacy Successes for Farmed Animals
    youtube. com/watch?v= y9wvWRthCIE&list= HL1339517386&feature= mh_lolz

  3. Thanks. I show chickens, mainly silkies and rhode island reds and wyandottes but want to start showing some marans and did not see the “Birchen Maran” in the Standard of Perfection. Cheers.

  4. The Black Copper Marans breed has dominant genetics for the Black Coppers, but the other possibility is the Birchen, and that is what the gold/wheat-colored rooster is. When you hatch “Black Copper Marans” eggs, you will get some “Birchen Marans” as the breed is pure and it is part of the genetics of the breed. “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.”

  5. Bet you call the black and white rooster “Obama”.When my rooster hops on his favorite hen,the other hens attack HER while shes getting it put to her,poor ol girls getting it from both ends,then goes on her way like nothing happend.


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