Alpaca Farming

Many people are surprised to learn that the start up costs for alpaca farming are far less than many other franchises or home business ventures they may have explored in the past. In fact, you can begin a fully functioning alpaca farm with a beginning price tag of just $40,000. This initial investment will include a couple of alpacas of breeding age and the network you require to maintain your new acquisitions. Of course, this amount doesn’t include the cost of the land where you will house the animals.

The average alpaca farmer who has operated a business for a minimum of four years or more, usually reports a return on investment that can range anywhere from 25% to an impressive 60%. There are many factors that can affect this figure. However, when you invest in alpaca farming, you are investing in a venture that has an established track record for high profits. This industry is also continuing to grow and will afford you larger profits in years to come.

The demand for the fiber from alpacas is growing more and more each day. When you shear your alpacas yearly, you can choose to sell it yourself or partner with an alpaca fiber co-op. When you choose a co-op as an outlet for your fiber, you will be assured of a simple channel that guarantees the sale of your fiber. These organizations are also dedicated to raising awareness of these creatures and the high demand for their fiber in the world of fashion.

Your alpacas are considered to be your inventory. However, unlike other types of business inventories, you alpacas are completely insurable. The low cost of premiums for insurance on your alpacas protect you from the loss of any animal. The insurance system work very much in the same way that the FDIC protects your savings when you place your hard earned money in a bank. Another advantage is that you can expect higher returns when you invest in alpacas.

Your alpaca should give you 13 to 17 years of a fully productive life. These animals can live to the ripe old age of 25, with the age of 30 not uncommon. If you take this fact into consideration when you practice breeding these animals, they end up becoming a productive source of income for more than half of their entire life. The female begins her breeding future at approximately 3 years old and continues breeding successfully until she is approximately 17. This gives you many years of a herd producing female. When combined with the ability to keep up to 10 alpacas on just one acre of land, you may quickly find yourself looking for more land to raise even more alpacas.

Alpaca farming can be a boon not only to your financial future, but your family life as well. Children can become as involved as you want when you decide that owning an alpaca farm is the right enterprise for you. You can invest in alpaca farming as a retirement alternative that will keep the money rolling in and the love between you and your alpacas flowing!

Source by James Carpenter

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