Rhode Island Red (Single Comb) Chicken Breed is another breed that Cackle Hatchery produces eggs from their own breeder flocks to hatch. Rhode Island Red (Si…
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How To Build A Chicken Coop, DIY-Guides
Rhode Island Red (Single Comb) Chicken Breed is another breed that Cackle Hatchery produces eggs from their own breeder flocks to hatch. Rhode Island Red (Si…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Thank you very much!
A dual purpose breed and can be reared both intensive and semi intensive by
a well to do individuals. However, less to do individuals can do it in a
free range method without fear of contracting diseases.
Cackle hatchery you have really nice looking breeder stock they are fine
looking R I Reds !!
Que. :Fuzileiro
very good
Of all of the critters on this Earth nothing is like a chicken !…
They are in great condition, well done, it’s good to see some of the
commercial sector with ethic’s. What is your ratio of roosters to hen’s? I
have RIR also, just a hobby, I have 8 hen’s and a rooster.
BullittMcQueen1, It takes a tremendous effort to produce a bird worthy of
exhibition. These are just thrown together in an area and left for nature
to take it’s course. All the genes are mixed around with everyone. In a
breeding program, the point is to cull any birds with imperfections, thus
eliminating that undesirable gene from the available pool. No hatchery
chicken will ever do well in a show. The odds would be inexplicable. I did
see in this video, many birds with some very good traits, but those same
birds would be disqualified for having some of the bad traits too.
How do your Rhode Island Reds compare to the APA standard of perfection?
They look good in the video. Could someone enter one of your Rhode Island
Reds in a poultry show?