How to keep chickens at home

Chickens are ideal pets if you want the kind that can be profitable. Their products, from chickens, feathers, down to their manure can help you gain extra money. Should you decide to keep these animals as pets, it would be financially rewarding. You just have to remember that chickens are as diverse as humans; they … Read more

How to Keep Happy Chickens

Chickens are susceptible to various diseases such as Avian Flu, Newcastle’s disease, Marek’s diseases and so on. They get illnesses just like humans, so if you want to keep them healthy, then you should know how to keep chickens in good shape. To start traveling the road to better chicken health, you should be knowledgeable … Read more

Pet Backyard Chickens

These are my five hens. (And my female pekin named Sunny in the begginning) There’s 3 Rhode island reds and 2 Easter Eggers. In 2 days they will be 20 weeks old, and one of the Rhode islands just started laying. Also, the RIRs aren’t pure breeds, and are bred to lay more eggs. They … Read more

Building a chicken coop – DIY tutorial Building a chicken coop? Discover over 100+ Step-by-Step Printable DIY Plans to Building an Attractive & Affordable Long Lasting Predator-Safe Chicken Coop That Your Chickens Love. Just go to